18 你舉目向四方觀看;他們都聚集來到你這裡。耶和華說:我指著我的永生起誓:你必要以他們為妝飾佩戴,以他們為華帶束腰,像新婦一樣。 19 至於你荒廢淒涼之處,並你被毀壞之地,現今眾民居住必顯為太窄;吞滅你的必離你遙遠。 20 你必聽見喪子之後所生的兒女說:這地方我居住太窄,求你給我地方居住。 21 ...
18 I will open up rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the broad valleys;I will turn the wilderness into a marshland, and the dry ground into springs of water.19 In the wilderness I will plant the cedar, acacia, myrtle, and olive;In the wasteland I will set the cypress, ...
3. In the interpretation in Mt 13:36-43, when the disciples later privately asked Yeshua concerning the meaning of this parable, He identified the field as our present age, the sower as the Son of man (Yeshua) who sowed the good seed, the enemy as the devil who sowed the tares. The...