Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(31) They that wait upon the Lord.--The waiting implies, of course, the expectant attitude of faith. Shall mount up with wings.--Better, shall lift up their wings, or, shall put forth wings' feathers, the last, like Psalm 103:5, implying the ...
The Ryrie Study Bible provides good commentary on this matter. In Romans chapters 9-11, we see: (1) the election of Israel by Yahweh, (2) the rejection of Messiah by Israel, and (3) the acceptance of Messiah by Israel, which will result in the salvation of Israel, and entry into ...
Nickelsburg, George W. E., ed.1 Enoch 1: A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 1-36; 81-108.Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2001. Nickelsburg, George W. E., and James C. VanderKam, eds.1 Enoch 2: A Co...