--The verb unites with this meaning (as in Isaiah 35:3; Psalm 89:21) the idea of attaching to one's self, or choosing, as in Isaiah 44:14. Pulpit CommentaryVerse 10. - Fear thou not. This verse is most closely connected with the two preceding. The clauses in vers. 8, 9 are ...
希西家遘疾祈祷 - 那时,希西家病得要死。亚摩斯的儿子先知以赛亚去见他,对他说:“耶和华如此说:你当留遗命于你的家,因为你必死,不能活了。” 希西家就转脸朝墙,祷告耶和华说: “耶和华啊,求你记念我在你面前怎样存完全的心,按诚实行事,又做你眼中所看为善的。”
Zondervan KJV Commentary Plus 47 entries Dictionaries Dictionary of Bible Themes 689 entries Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times Plus 39 entries Easton's Bible Dictionary 247 entries Essential Bible Dictionary Plus 40 entries Lockyer's All the Men of the Bible 41 entries Lockyer's All the...
Pulpit CommentaryVerse 2. - O Lord, etc. The mingling of prayer with prophecy is very unusual, and indicative of highly excited feeling. Isaiah realizes fully the danger of his people and nation, and knows that without prayer there is no deliverance. His prayer is at once an outpouring of...
Rabbinic Commentary on Isaiah 40:7-12 Verses that Illustrate how the Bible does not Support the Concept of Karma Introduction to Isaiah 40:7-12 In Isaiah 40:1-11 we read how the Lord God of Israel wants to deliver His people. The Lord does not give up on us because of repeated ...
I love the way this prophecy concludes with a brief commentary on peace."19b Peace, peace, to those far and near,'says the LORD.'And I will heal them.'20 But the wicked are like the tossing sea, which cannot rest, whose waves cast up mire and mud. 21 'There is no peace,'says...
work of the prophet and the Spirit of God. This does not mean that their efforts were only a dictation of God’s words. Every word the prophet wrote down we believe is explicitly dictated by God, each word has meaning and purpose, and is uniquely given from God for us to searc...
Hewasthe sonofAmoz.WeknowthatIsaiahwasmarriedandhadatleasttwosonscalled,Shear-jashub,meaning“a remnantshallreturn,”andMaher-shalal-hash-baz,“hastingtothespoil,hurryingtotheprey.” 1 TheInternationalStandardBibleEncyclopaediastatesaboutIsaiah:“Heseemstohavebelonged toafamilyofsomerank,asmaybeinferredfrom...
That gap is irrelevant to the instruction and its meaning to these first century Jews. Christian disciples today need to do essentially what the Twelve were to do, but to a different audience and region (Mt 28:19-20) Christ explained those changes after His firm rejection by the Jews. ...
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