Born in France, ISAGRI provides management solutions and innovative technologies dedicated to farmers and agribusiness companies.
世界农化网中文网报道: 巴斯夫扩大同数字农业公司ISAGRI的合作,在Atlas共同研发Meteus气象站和Decision Support Tool(ODO,决策支持工具)的信息链接,用于小麦疫病的防治。这项合作将于2018-2019年展开,借此农民可通过相互间的数据连接,充分发挥数字工具的功能。 巴斯夫(法国区)和ISAGRI希望借助数据连接,为农民提供其整合入...
商标名称 VEISAGRI 国际分类 第07类-机械设备 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 37917587 申请日期 2019-04-30 申请人名称(中文) 盐城市威氏机械有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 江苏省盐城市开放大道161号 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 2019-12-27 注册公告期号 - 注...
semen staphisagriae 【医】 虱草子 semen benincasae 冬瓜子 semen biotae 柏子 semen alpiniae 【医】 草豆蔻 semen browsonetiae 【医】 楮实子(构树子) semen buteae 【医】 紫铆子 semen cucurbitae 【医】 南瓜子 semen euphorbiae lathyridis 【医】 千金子(续随子) semen gleditsiae...
Clisagri is based on a set of dynamic agro-climate indicators that bring key information on climate related risks during different stages of the crop growth. A dynamic approach has been implemented to assess the risks associated with unfavourable/extreme weather and climate events during sensitive cr...
Clisagri is based on a set of dynamic agro-climatic indicators that bring key information to crop producers during different stages of the crop growth. A dynamic approach has been implemented to assess the risks associated with climate extremes occurring during sensitive crop phenological stages by ...
共查询到 isagri***m 的首页外链 0 个。 (外链查询功能公测中,数据正努力挖掘扩充) 对方网站 百度权重 百度收录 导出链接 我方关键词 无数据 Tips: 1、本外链查询功能,仅查询中文网站。 2、目前查询的外链只查询首页外链,不包含网站的内页。 3、随着进一步挖掘数据,查询的外链可能会增加。 蜘蛛...
staphisagrine 英文staphisagrine 中文【医】 虱草子硷
Why did you choose ISAGRI? For many years we have been working with ISAGRI because it’s a company that is constantly improving and adapting to the needs of its clients. They are attentive to requests to implement them and thus improve the management of our operations. ...