The 4th edition of the WHO manual (1999) is to be discussed at the ISA Congress in Montreal, June 2001, with a view to future improvements. This questionnaire has been designed to aid this discussion and to collect advice from as wide a range of expertise as possible. Would respondents ...
The 4th edition of the WHO manual (1999) is to be discussed at the ISA Congress in Montreal, June 2001, with a view to future improvements. This questionnaire has been designed to aid this discussion and to collect advice from as wide a range of expertise as possible. Would respondents ...
ISA instrument engineers handbooks -- 4th edition.The article reviews the book "The ISA Instrument Engineers Handbook: Process Measurement and Analysis," 4th edition, Volume 1, based on notes developed by Bela Liptak.GatlandBruceEBSCO_bspElectrical & Automation Technology...