Clang-Clang Is a Siren Call to Planners to Grasp the Opportunity; VOICE OF THE NORTH
Clang, Clang, Clang: Trolley Is Going Places; Leesburg Debuts Service With High Hopes That It Will Attract ShoppersBill Brubaker
string( TOLOWER "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" COMPILER_ID ) if (COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "clang")set(IS_CLANG_BUILD true) else ()set(IS_CLANG_BUILD false) endif () For making the regex ofMATCHEScase-insensitive, I tried everythingherewithout success (doesn't seem to be supported in CMake...
It is easy to solve this by investigation of the error message and the origin of the message. Open and search for "clang 8 is required, but it's not installed." Now you can read that the script exports some CC and CXX settings. Obviously you have not installed clang 8 but ...
Type: LanguageService OS and Version: Windows 10 VS Code Version: 1.27.2 C/C++ Extension Version: 0.19.0 My active configuration is: "configurations": [ { "name": "LedaAP", "includePath": [ "C:/Leda_sdk/sysroots/haswell-64-wrs-linux/usr/...
Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500. Target: arm64-apple-darwin23.3.0 Thread model: posix The next function, while valid with other compilers, displays an error for Apple Clang: std::vector<char> read_file() { return {}; } error: non-aggregate type 'std::vector<char>...
当你看到编译输出中包含 Clang SA is not enabled 时,这通常意味着虽然 Clang 编译器被调用了,但静态分析功能并未被激活。此外,还可能伴随其他错误信息,指出代码中的问题但由于 SA 未启用而无法具体分析。 2. 检查项目配置文件或构建脚本 不同的项目或构建系统有不同的配置方式。例如,在 Android AOSP 项目中,构...
(2) Error:(1, 1) Unable to execute Clang-Tidy: clazy-standalone is not ... (3) Android studio冇法執行Clang-Tidy:事因稳吾到或冇法執行clazy-standalone...
xcrun -sdk iphoneos clang is unable to create an executable file. 终端输入: xcodebuild -showsdks 如果出现和下方一样的内容,则说明你的 Xcode 命令行工具路径错误. error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools...