ValueError: HeightandWidth of image, maskormasks should be equal. You can disable shapes check by setting a parameter is_check_shapes=Falseof Composeclass(do it onlyifyou are sure about your data consistency).. I am not sure whether I am getting the error because initiall...
Daniel and Hazel visited Africa!But they did not fly to the continent of Africa.They vidit Africa at the zoo.they saw a lot of animals.There is a short time.The first (1) they saw was a giraffe.The giraffe is the world's(2) animals.A male giraffe can grow up to 5.5meters....
CHECK IT OUT; STREAMLINED SHAPES OF THINGS TO COME.(Fine Art Lamps)(American Fluorescent Corp.)(Tech Lighting)(Brief Article)Meyer, NancyHFN: The Weekly Newspaper for the ...
Till today,the lantern festival is still held each year around the country.Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets,attracting countless visitors.Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns on the streets,extremely excited....
Sign In Join Now Menu Blog Top Rated Insiders Help ShopKarin Carlsson Chapter House Nossa Casa DDH Double IPA Shapes & Objects Beer Co Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 68) badge! Tagged Friends more_horiz 5:13 AM 1 Mar 25 You must be logged in to comment or toast. Sign In ...
This day's important activity is watching lanterns.Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets,attracting countless visitors.Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets,extremely excited. "Guessing lantern riddles" is an essential...
Jimmy is drinking a Rock Paper Scissors Hazy IPA by Shapes & Objects Beer Co on Untappd | Untappd