经过Kengo Matsumoto两年的精心指导,最终的概念设计由Hiroyuki Tada呈现,整车融入了雷克萨斯全新的“L-finesse”设计理念。随着丰田将雷克萨斯品牌引入日本市场销售,该车系告别了此前的“Altezza”命名,全球统一称为“Lexus IS”。可以说,XE20这代IS车系的设计汇聚了丰田的众多精华。与同时代的竞品,如宝马E90 3系...
虽然未能全面测试这台经过精心强化的LEXUS IS300,但根据车主的描述和笔者的经验,其在加速和操控方面的表现绝对不输于任何竞争对手,甚至在某些方面表现得更为出色。特别值得一提的是,其制动系统和悬挂系统的升级堪称完美,使得这款车在街道上成为真正的操控之王。
2001 LEXUS IS 300.Features the 2001 Lexus IS 300 automobile by Lexus in the United States. Quality of the vehicle; Specification of the car; Evaluation of the car assembly and engineering.HallJimRoad & Track
雷克萨斯的目标是3系,我们认为长期测试是最好的方法,看看它是否真的会成为靶心。 2000年6月,雷克萨斯(Lexus) 2001年款Spectra Blue Mica IS300测试车出现在我们家门口,当时雷克萨斯似乎是在瞄准目标。厚实的轮胎和大车轮被绷紧的皮肤包裹着,几乎没有前后悬挑,这无疑让它看起来像一辆运动轿车。一款后轮驱动215马力的...
And in fact, Lexus freely acknowledges that the idea is to challenge BMW's supremacy in the small luxury sports-sedan sector, where the 3-series has ruled for so long. There was a time when such a notion—a Japanese car presuming to compete with a master of the autobahns—would have ...
For 2001-2005 LEXUS IS 300 Hood Mesh Front Bumper Upper Grille Grill Product Features: Perfect fit, easy to install, makes your car refreshed and cool appearance. Made of fresh raw plastic particles, got better density consistency and tenacity. Nothing like those made of recycled. Production...
Download / Preview - Lexus IS 300 SportCross (XE10) 2001–05 photos (2048 x 1536) Resolutions:Original (2048x1536) |1600x1200 |1280x960 |1024x768 |800x600 |640x480 Your resolution: (max 2900 x 2000) x Image share:Short link (url): Linked BBCode: HTML Image: Previous...
IS300,IS200(2001-2005款)Lexus(凌志)原厂维修资料手册、电路图、线路图、维修诊断信息: 包括发动机、底盘、车身等维修资料,此外您还可以在畅易汽车维修资料库(技术支持平台)中查看上千车型的汽车维修信息。欢迎立刻免费下载体验!
>2001 Lexus IS 300. 2001 Lexus IS 300.2001 Lexus IS 300.Features the 2001 Lexus IS 300 automobile. Specifications; Design; Engine.EBSCO_bspCaribbean Business
★【LEXUS IS300 USA】トヨタ.アルテッツァ(TOYOTA ALTEZZA E10)北米(US)仕様-純正部品-★ 【商品内容】について 商品名 レクサスIS300セダン純正リアスピーカーグリルセット左右2点 *別名:リアスピーカーカバー *北米(US)2001年-2005年モデル 適合車種 トヨタ.アルテッツァ.セダン*E10系スー...