Mares-Guia M, Guterres A, Rozental T, Ferreira MDS, Lemos ERS. Clinical and epidemiological use of nested PCR targeting the repetitive element IS1111 associated with the transposase gene from Coxiella burnetii. Braz J Microbiol. 2017;Mares-Guia, M.A.M., Guterres, A., Rozental, T., ...
Annotation Type description Required Element Summary Optional Element Summary Element Detail Enum Each enum has its own separate page with the following sections: Enum declaration Enum description Enum Constant Summary Enum Constant Detail Use Each documented package, class and interface has its own Use ...
Element Detail Enum Each enum has its own separate page with the following sections: Enum declaration Enum description Enum Constant Summary Enum Constant Detail Tree (Class Hierarchy) There is aClass Hierarchypage for all packages, plus a hierarchy for each package. Each hierarchy page contains a...
The example below will find the element with an id of my_video and render a video player into it. // Create a jwplayer instance jwplayer('my_video').setup({ file: '/uploads/example.mp4', }); // Add a custom callback for when user pauses playback jwplayer('my_video').on('paus...
Mares-Guia, M.A.M., Guterres, A., Rozental, T., Ferreira, M.S., Lemos, E.R.S., 2018. Clinical and epidemiological use of Nested PCR targeting the repetitive element IS 1111 associated with the transposase gene from Coxiella burnetii. Braz. J. Microbiol. 40 (1), 138-143....
burnetii, suggesting that Q fever detection assays based only on this element may lead to misidentification with Coxiella-like endosymbionts.OlivierDuronEBSCO_AspFEMS microbiology lettersDuron O. The IS1111 insertion sequence used for detection of Coxiella burnetii is widespread in Coxiella-like ...
elementinsertionStandardizationQ fever epidemiological investigations of the likedoi:10.1016/j.micinf.2015.08.009Sidi-BoumedineAnsesKarimAnsesYangAnsesEliseAnsesDuquesneAnsesVeroniqueAnsesPrigentAnsesMyriamAnsesThieryAnsesRichardAnsesNSTLMicrobes & InfectionSidi-Boumedine K, Duquesne V, Prigent M, Yang E, Joulie...
In the case of the longitudinal wave, a voltage which is proportional to the strain due to the longitudinal effect (compression) of the element 2 is obtained. In the case of the lateral wave, a voltage which is obtained. In the case of the lateral wave, a voltage which is proportional ...
(4,5) which is arranged in the motor constitution group (1) electric railroad track (6) and the motor constitution group (1) we have possessed with support element (7) on the outside of the casing (2,3), said support element(7) it regards the connected system which the electric ...
Annotation Type declaration Annotation Type description Required Element Summary Optional Element Summary Element DetailEnumEach enum has its own separate page with the following sections:Enum declaration Enum description Enum Constant Summary Enum Constant Detail...