Even your ultra Orthodox Jew, who indeed practices Judaism, is against proselytism of Gentiles, thus demonstrating the racial nature of Judaism.Zionism is dedicated to the establishment and perpetuation of a Jewish homeland. Yet most Israelis are atheists. The Jew points his finger at ‘White ...
Qumsiyeh, Mazin
He says self-righteously that he will not “wear Nazi armbands” by criticizing Zionism or Judaism’s racial/religious goals. He will not associate with the “mentally ill” who express such concern. Jewish/Zionist supremacism originated 2,000 years ago with the same Pharisees who crucified Ch...
Anti-Zionism is NOT anti-semitism. The former is political regarding the state created in 1948, the latter has to do with the religion and usually the race, although a number of other Middle Eastern groups could be considered Semites. ...
Ignoring for now the blatant anti-Semitism embedded in anti-Zionism. 3. This claim is buttressed immediately below. 4. It was the definition that the emperor Hadrian gave to Judea after defeating the Jewish Revolt of Bar Kochba in 135/136 CE (Bard2012, 2). ...
“For more than ten years I have been writing about Israel, Zionism and Jewish identity. I am engaged in a process of deconstruction and critique of different Jewish texts, ideas, politics and practice. My intent is aiming towards some deeper realisation of what Zionism is. In my opinion, ...
The reason for antisemitism is that Judaism is defined by Cabalism, a satanic cult whose aim is topossess humanity. Using central banking and Freemasonry as their instruments, Cabalist Jews havetakencontrol of the world. Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Feminism, Zionism are just masks for this...
One month ago, I published an open letter to Islam, in which I outlined Judaism’s view of Islam and extended an invitation to constructive dialogue. I identified points of commonality between the two religions, highlighted Islam’s moral and theological problems from a Jewish perspective, and ...
Behold the Man: Between Judaism, Zionism, and Christianity Posted on September 13, 2017: In this programme I wish to explore the theme – From Personal Experience to National Identity Art that is true art is not simply a dispassionate and visual depiction of a given subject. For the true ...
When Babyon finally falls, rulers like Clinton, Obama, & Co, will distance themselves from Zionism, Jewry, Judaism, as Rev 18:9-10 foretells – “When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn ...