Jujutsu Kaisenis one of the most popular modern anime and manga series that is currently ongoing, and it is known for its high caliber combat, fun characters, and comedy. The series was created by Gege Akutami and follows the adventures of Yuji Itadori, who joi...
In hindsight, the beginning ofJujutsu Kaisenfeels so different from the rest of the series. It initially kicks off in an almost horrific way. The weakness of Yuji Itadori against the curses he suddenly discovers is so fascinating. In addition, the gore felt so surprising and in stark contrast...
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Who would have imagined that the repugnant Kenjaku would even be capable of controlling the mother of our protagonist, Itadori Yuji? He indeed took control of Kaori Itadori at one point, as confirmed by the mark on her forehead. This means Kenjaku pretended to be Kaori and together with Jin...
to his students and other individuals that he respects – cracking jokes and teasing them. However, his attitude can shift easily to bitterness, especially towards the old leaders of Jujutsu society who have gotten in his way many times and even tried killing one of his students Yuji Itadori....
the flow of Cursed Energy, which is what leads to the creation of new Curses — come in. It's up to the Sorcerers to battle the Curses, but things become complicated when Yuji Itadori, a high school student from Sendai, unwittingly becomes the host ofa powerful Curse named Ryomen Sukuna....