While the terminal output is the default output, it has the capability to generate a complete, self-contained, real-time HTML report, as well as a JSON, and CSV report. You can see it more of a monitor command tool than anything else. Installation Build from release GoAccess can be comp...
.pre-commit-config.yaml VRT Pixel Functions: Add function to evaluate arbitrary expression (#… Jan 15, 2025 .readthedocs.yaml Doc: Generate driver indices via Sphinx instead of external script Mar 6, 2025 .travis.yml CI: disable Travis-CI: s390x has been broken for nearly one month now…...
YAML文件使用.yml或.yaml作为扩展名。 YAML快速入门 让我们来看一个简单的JSON文件。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 { "macOS": "maOS Big Sur", "Swift": 5, "Air-pods": false, "iOS": { "version": 14.7 }, "Devices": [ "iPhone", "iPad" ] } 再来看它...
.readthedocs.yaml support prompt_tuning (#1073) 10个月前 LICENSE init text library 3年前 NOTICE rename to mindnlp 2年前 README.md add modeler mirror & NLP SIG introdution (#1787) 4个月前 mkdocs.yml Add tutorial use mirror (#1412) 8个月前 pytest.ini ignore tok...
{build.host.name}</Built-Host> </manifestEntries> </archive> <excludes> <exclude>src/main/resources/appplication-memoryauth.yml</exclude> </excludes> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> <extensions> <extension> <groupId>org.apache.maven.wagon</groupId> <artifactId>wagon-http</...
Now, in case of not using .yml or .yaml this error is going to clearly visible in the UI (invalid file name). This is something we can document, do you want me to do that? This issue is no longer valid, because we already resolved problems with Remote file is not valid, so I'...
gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-deploy-image!127 (merged)) 3) Update Deploy.gitlab-ci.yml. Thong Kuah @tkuah · 4 years ago Author Maintainer I'm currently under the impression that we should switch to bitnami chart if possible, as we're going to switch to the chart sooner or ...
2. Create the wordpress-stack.yml file This stack file exposes wordpress on port 8080 on all swarm nodes, even the swarm-manager node. It mounts the directories created for wp-content and mysql as volumes on the containers. swarm-manager:~# cat wordpress-stack.yml # wordpress-stack.yml ver...
I consider current behavior as a bug. When I set environment in .env file, I can use that variable in ports for example ports: - ${MYSQL_CUSTOM_PORT}:3306 When I set same environment ONLY in some .env.local file and include it via env_file: .env.local in docker-compose.yml or do...
YAML example: Scalar types In YAML, you can use variousscalar typesas values, including numbers, booleans, and strings (quoted or unquoted). The first line of a CircleCIconfig.ymlfile, for example, is usually: version: 2.1 This key-value pair sets the configuration fileversionto2.1. ...