Double pneumonia is when viral, bacterial, or fungal infections cause pneumonia symptoms in both lungs. This is also referred to as bilateral pneumonia. Double pneumonia caused by bacteria or viruses can be just as contagious as pneumonia in the left lung or right lung (single pneumonia).4 Is ...
Viral pneumonia is an infection of your lungs caused by a virus. The most common cause is the flu, but you can also get viral pneumonia from the common cold and other viruses. These nasty germs usually stick to the upper part of your respiratory system. But the trouble starts when they ...
muris or represents opportunism secondary to a primary bacterial or viral enteritis. Therefore, it is prudent to search for underlying or predisposing infections. Treatment, prevention, and control. Treatment consists of adding 0.1% dimetridazole to drinking water for 14 days, as described for ...
When there are a lot of white blood cells in the system, they can make the seminal fluid yellow. Several factors can cause leukocytospermia, such as inflammation, autoimmune conditions, systemic infections, bacterial infections, etc. Sexually transmitted disease Genital herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea,...
@SarahGen-- Yellow mucus is a sign of infection. It's normal to get more mucus when there is an ongoing infection because the body is trying to get rid of bacteria, viruses and their remains. The color of mucus comes from macrophages. These are cells produced by the immune system, it...
In elastase-treated animals, the many mucus plugs in the bronchial tract, associated with the presence of atypical cilia, may represent morphological evidence of delayed mucociliary transport. If atypical cilia represent the cause or the effect of mucociliary impairment cannot be established...
Green is actually a normal color for baby poop – though in some cases it can indicate a viral or bacterial infection, or a food allergy or intolerance. Your newborn's first poop will be very dark green and look almost black. Over a few days, it'll turn to a lighter green, then y...
May produce phlegm or mucus that may be greenish, yellow, or bloody Difficulty breathing Shortness of breath Rapid, shallow breathing Sharp pain on inhalation or whencoughing Fever Chills and shaking Fast heartbeat Sweating Loss of appetite
I am an allergy sufferer as well and am prone to coughs that don't resolve. I was told this is called a post viral cough and have been put on inhaled steroids (a puffer) for this. This has always been an effective treatment but it does take time to resolve completely. ...
At first, it may be difficult to tell whether your sinusitis is viral or bacterial. According to studies, one cannot tell whether sinusitis is viral or bacterial only by looking at the duration of the symptoms, even when they go on for more than ten days. ...