What is YCbCr vs RGB? The difference between YCbCr and RGB is thatYCbCr represents color as brightness and two color difference signals, while RGB represents color as red, green and blue. In YCbCr, the Y is the brightness (luma), Cb is blue minus luma (B-Y) and Cr is red minus luma...
I thought RAW data was pretty much just what came out of the sensor (scaled to fit the number of bits in a RAW datum, of course). The sensors in the two cameras don't have differently shaped characteristic curves—they are pretty linear devices. So, why do the two RGB conversions appe...
but under Nvidia control panel i changed the option to 'Use Nvidia colour settings' and played around with 'Desktop colour depth' (only option is 'Highest (32-bit)), 'Output colour Depth' ( 8bpc / 10bpc), 'Output colour format' (RGB / YCbCr422 / YCbCr444) and 'Output dynamic range...