Is ax a Scrabble word? Yes, ax is a Scrabble word! ...and is worth 9 points in Scrabble, and 9 points in Words with Friends Ax is a valid Scrabble word. See the definition of ax and examples of how ax is used here. Table of Contents Meaning of ax Examples of ax in a sentenc...
Sales is a valid Scrabble word. Sales is a word starting with s ending with s. Check our list ofwords starting with s ending with s. Dictionary definitions of the word sales The meaning of sales sales 6 definitions of the word sales. ...
Gays is a valid Scrabble word. Gays is a word starting with g ending with s. Check our list ofwords starting with g ending with s. Dictionary definition of the word gays The meaning of gays gays 1 definition of the word gays.
Aisles is a valid Scrabble word. Aisles is a word starting with a ending with s. Check our list ofwords starting with a ending with s. Dictionary definitions of the word aisles The meaning of aisles aisles 3 definitions of the word aisles. ...
The word is a valid scrabble word 3 short excerpts index n. An alphabetical listing of items and their location. index n. The index finger; the forefinger. index n. A movable finger on a gauge, scale, etc. 16 valid words from 3 definitions ...
Quick Answer: Yes, “zee” is a valid Scrabble word. Meaning: “Zee” is an informal and dialectal variation of the letter “Z” used in some English-speaking regions to represent the letter “Z.” Pronunciation: It is pronounced as /ziː/. Example in a Sentence: “The word ‘breeze...
We would LOVE to hear yourFEEDBACKon this tool! Cite This Article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. “Axises is a Scrabble word?- .” The Word Finder. 1 Mar. 2025, ....
Yes, ensure is in the scrabble dictionary.Is Zed a word on scrabble?Yes, zed is in the scrabble dictionary.What can I spell with Ensure?Words that can be made with ensureensue. enure. ernes. nurse. reuse. runes. sneer.Is Iam a valid scrabble word?No, im is not in the scrabble dict...
Is serif a valid scrabble word? SERIF is avalid scrabble word. Is AF scrabble word? No,af is not in the scrabble dictionary. Is led scrabble word? Yes, led is in the scrabble dictionary. Is sythe a word? Obsolete form of scythe. ...
Of, relating to, or being a vehicle, such as a limousine or passenger jet, having an extended seating area that provides extra space for more passengers, leg room, or amenities. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th EditionEasily . from Free Scrabble Dictionary...