The bank had a new safe with a special 45 controlled by a clock. "Look at that safe," said Mr Adams. "Now it's open, 46 if you shut it, you can't open it till the planned time. Annabels sister's two little children were playing 47 the safe. Suddenly one of them got in to...
3、n this morning, Wendy?Wendy:No, sorry(I didn't know the rule about punching in)Helen:That's OK. I should have told you earlier.This is a company rule. Wendy:Do we also need to punch out after work? Helen:(According to the company rule)we should punch in before 8 o'clock and...
She put the clock next to her pillow(枕头)and went to bed early that night. The next morning, she forced herself to get up as soon as the clock 8 . From then on, she finished the things earlier and had time to do more things she liked. Her life changed 9 . Do you have the ...
its one oclock sharp its only aparty in ho its raining its pouri its rainingits pourin its rather cold and w its scott and young m its the way that i lo its under the sofa its very kind of you its wonderful its yesterday once mo itsnotjustattractionb its about the two of its cold...
then the priest said then there came again then they break off then they brought out then they cried unto then they died then they go to bed then they left a then they returned ev then they strode acro then they woke up then to the clock then took the other a then try to bring ...
time ticks at its own pace. If it hadn't been for a three-episode documentary, outsiders would never have known that the plainly-dressed people working here are masters of their craft, who have spent their lives re...
Sneak Peak We Don’t Want You Anymore: ILLEGALS and The Plight of Rural, Native-Born New Yorkers How Christian goodwill was exploited to spread Islam and ‘globalize’ America Abandon the National Cathedral Welcome Back Mr. President – A champagne toast! Is Artificial Intelligence Behind Our...
I have created a project in quartus prime pro 23.4 ant I have used clock control intel FPGA IP as a MUX for clock.And When I run synthesis error encouted. Error(13224): Verilog HDL or VHDL error at clk_mux_stratix10_clkctrl_2000_yem6tmi.v(67): index 1 ...
作用则是阻止非法用户。 Firewall by no means multi-purpose, but regarding the network security essential.Because the firewall is the systematic first defense line, with prevents the illegal data entry.The function is the impediment illegal user.[translate]...