You have folks that were designed and destined to do amazing and wonderful things but due to the choices and actions in their lives, their fate turned out differently. This is also a recurring thing that you may stumble upon with people you know, as well as yourself at times. 03/01/2025...
Obama was wonderful at using the Mechanisms of Media Distortion. First, AP® news would report a “story”. Now, it would be a “story” in the sense that an event probably did occur. Probably. I remember walking near a Major University Campus when there was an Apartheid protest. Oops...
See the poppies in Lancaster again.This was so wonderful! I should be able to do this again this year on one of my LA trips. Museums.Go to 3 museums? I can do that. Probably. I’d like one to be the Broad in LA. LEARNING!
The thing is, you can't talk about how wonderful someone looks without having some kind of comparison. Which doesn't mean that another person has to be put down, but fashion is a form of art and those who set the trends should be acknowledged, while those who don't really understand ...
3M has a 15% rule that states employees are expected to spend 15% of their time on whatever they choose, but generally looking at weird and wonderful new opportunities or issues, and so when employees from the d isease-prevention unit explored Bluetooth technologies, they built these ...
there is a wonderful photo taken in the 1920s of young Thursday Island musicians posing with their guitars, ukeleles and banjos, young men with the names of Baddah Bin Gapore, Ketchell Anno, Manji Ah Boo, Johannes Tatipata, Jaffa Ah Mat, Solomon Toulasik and Jeffrey Doolah. Names that ...
Wow, that’s a wonderful thing to read when I hop onto my site. I appreciate the kind words, Brad, and I’m genuinely thrilled to hear that you’re finding plenty of new music that floats your boat. Thanks for stopping by, and, yes, I plan to keep this site going (and your ears...
[Top 10] Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Best Places To Hunt What is Hunting and what should you Hunt for? Link's famished, and Popeye's doesn't exis [Top 10] Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Best Fishing Spots [Top 10] Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Best Fishing Spots Why is fish importa...
The wonderful thing about Duluth is that Lincoln Park is not unique; the city has more than 100 parks and green spaces. On the east side of the city sits Lester Park, a rugged and active green space where two rivers meet just before emptying into Lake Superior. “Lester Park is a hid...
The wonderful thing about Duluth is that Lincoln Park is not unique; the city has more than 100 parks and green spaces. On the east side of the city sits Lester Park, a rugged and active green space where two rivers meet just before emptying into Lake Superior. “Lester Park is a hid...