Wing is a word starting with w ending with g. Check our list ofwords starting with w ending with g. Sponsored Links Dictionary definitions of the word wing The meaning of wing wing 12 definitions of the word wing. Verb Travel through the air; be airborne ...
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the width of core the wife ascends a wa the wife has been los the wild boy the wild rover the wild wild west the will of god the will to keep goin the wilson cycle of t the wind dangyang the wind swinging the wine on the ninth the wing the wingless swallow the wings of rean the...
from Free Scrabble Dictionary adjective Havingmanytwists. from the English-language Wiktionary verb Presentparticipleoftwist. from the English-language Wiktionary Top Words by points Points wittings 12 Found 70words in0.33368seconds
Verb Strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat To swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught Noun A large and hurried swallow 1 Anagram of Swig Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but in a different order. ...
verb-intransitive Toflapthewingswildlyorfrantically.Usedof afalcon. source fromAmerican Heritage Dictionary verb-transitive Tolessentheforceorintensityof;moderate: " To hisdyingdayhebatedhisbreathalittlewhen hetoldthestory” (GeorgeEliot). SeeUsageNoteatbait1. ...
wings9 wives11 4 Letter Words egis5 ells4 engs5 evil7 gels5 gens5 gien5 gies5 gill5 gins5 give8 glen5 ills4 isle4 iwis7 legs5 leis4 lens4 lien4 lies4 line4 ling5 lins4 live7 lwei7 negs5 nevi7 news7 nill4 nils4 nisi4 sell4 sewn7 sign5 sill4 sine4 sing5 slew7 swig8 ...
The meaning of sweltering sweltering 3 definitions of the word sweltering. Adjective Excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness Verb Be uncomfortably hot Suffer from intense heat What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in sweltering?
a grassy bank/slope. cubierto de hierba ˈgrasshopper noun a type of insect which jumps and which makes a noise by rubbing its wings. saltamontesˈgrassland noun land covered with grass, used as pasture for animals. pradera, dehesa, pasto Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-20...
We all know that the word "bird" is a noun. It means an animal with two wings (膀). But now, people are also using "bird"as a verb. To bird means "to watch birds" This should not be surprising. The British have always been interested in birds. William Turner, an Englishman, ...