I will discuss the elephant in the room that people in Hollywood have heard for a while that Will and Jada have an “open marriage” allowing them to see who they want. Now, that seems to not be true, especially if the Marc Anthony affair appears to be true. Can this marriage be saved?
‘Love Is___’ … complicated Salim Akilwas not behindMara Brock Akil’s plan to create a drama based on their real life relationship. “But as her friend, I couldn’t tell her what to do with her art,” he acknowledged. The duo admitted they had to “have conversations” with certai...
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith Are Not Divorcing—but Why Do People Keep Trying to Destroy Their Marriage?! Jackson Lee/ Splash News Another favorite subject of the "are they splitting?" conversation areWill SmithandJada Pinkett Smith, who just celebrated...