The article reports on whooping cough disease, also called pertussis which is an illness caused by a bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. Its symptoms include runny nose, low-grade fever and cough. It is hi...
Whooping cough (pertussis) is a very contagious respiratory disease caused by the bacteriaBordetella pertussis. When this bacteria infects the linings of the lungs, it causes significant inflammation and swollen airways. The result is intense, uncontrollable coughing. While thewhooping cough vaccinehas ...
Fill in the blank. ___ is a gram-negative rod that causes whooping cough. Do antivirals grow resistant to viruses, like antibiotics do to bacteria? Vaccinations against the flu use viral what as the antigen? Which of the following infectious diseases has (or ha...
It's the heart-wrenching sound of a young child with the highly contagious respiratory illness known as whooping cough. "It's caused by the bacteria known as Bordetella pertussis. It gets the name whooping cough, typically, due to the characteristic cough or the "whoop" that, typically, chil...
Is whooping cough a communicable disease? Is cystic fibrosis a communicable disease? Is a cough a communicable disease? Is SARS a communicable disease? Is TB pleural effusion contagious? Is pneumonia a communicable disease? Is ebola a viral disease?
Whooping cough is at its highest level in a decade for this time of year, U.S. health officials reported Thursday.
Whooping cough – (pertussis) is an acute infectious disease accompanied by inflammation in the upper respiratory tracts and paroxysmal spasmodic cough. Among the most frequently infected are unvaccinated children under the age of 5. But infants are even more frequently affected by such a disease. ...
Eosinophillic bronchitis is another form of dry cough that is most commonly caused by smoking, or being around lots of smoke that is breathed in. It can also be caused by different forms of bacteria, which is an illness that children acquire fairly often when around others at schools and da...
or death. Measles can cause swelling of the brain resulting in permanent brain damage or death especially in children underage five and whooping cough also known as pertussis can cause complications such as pneumonia slowed or stopped breathing and death especially in babies under one year of age...
“We had a whole reservoir of kids who weren’t getting the usual annual exposure to viruses or major bacteria,” said Dr. Vandana Madhavan, clinical director for pediatric infectious disease at Mass General for Children. “Now we have a larger pool of kids that haven’t seen some ...