In some cases, fraudsters are using phone numbers of gullible residents which are not linked to their WhatsApp accounts. Shakeel Ahmed, a Pakistani driver, said he had been wondering why many people had started calling him on one of his two phones which he used only for making call...
UAE stands for the United Arab Emirates. The UAE, also known as The Emirates, is a country in the Middle East, in western Asia. The UAE’s capital is Abu Dhabi. The most well known, and most populous city in the UAE, is Dubai. The UAE is an elective monarchy comprising seven indivi...
The Emirate of Dubai opened the doors of freehold ownership to expatriates. This matter brought about a positive change in the real estate market in Dubai. It was good news for expatriates who consider the UAE their home. The country is facing rapid growth in the number of expatriates. That...
After booking the flight that suited her, she got a message on WhatsApp from the site, with her flight’s PNR number: A Chatbot Application doing. Now being a part of a company that specializes in Chatbot App Development, my interaction with the technology is much greater than what my ...
Additionally, IG offers customer support through their official WhatsApp channel, which you can access by scanning the QR code available on their website. The WhatsApp support service is available from 8 am to 5 pm (GMT+8), Monday to Friday. ...
Timmy Trumpet was recently in the UAE forUNTOLD Dubai, the city’s first mega music festival. He took to the main stage on the final night of the festivities. This weekend he’ll be joined by locally-based supporting acts Quilliam and Scott Forshaw on the energetic line-up. ...
In June last year, DHL Express launched the Digital Assistant feature as a 24/7 customer service alternative to complement the customer service hotline and the website’s live chat function. Available on the myDHL+ platform and messaging applications such as WhatsApp, the mobile-friendly assistan...
Those considering visiting Saudi Arabia or the UAE during Ramadan know it's not for the faint-hearted. The country follows strict fasting rules, with shops not serving food until after sunset. During Ramadan, you will not be allowed to eat in public whether you follow the faith or not. Thi...
App.Current.Properties.Add("savedPropA", phoneno); await App.Current.SavePropertiesAsync(); after saving the value to property you have to check that value in app.xaml.cs file like below複製 public App() { InitializeComponent(); if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("savedPropA")) ...
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