Oarsweed (n.) Any large seaweed of the genus Laminaria; tangle; kelp. See Kelp. Oary (a.) Having the form or the use of an oar; as, the swan's oary feet. Oases (pl. ) of Oasis Oasis (n.) A fertile or green spot in a waste or desert, esp. in a sandy desert. Oast (...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook CGSH (redirected fromCleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton) AcronymDefinition CGSHCleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton(US law firm) CGSHCoral Gables Senior High(Coral Gables, FL) CGSHCenter for Gender, Sexuality and Health(Columbia University; New York, NY) ...
weedboom weedbreaker weedbug weeden and co weeding harrow weejee week body building co week calendar weekcommencing weekend life weekend off weekend weekly advanced level weekly english clinic weekly meetings rc weekly notice to mari weekly progress meeti weekly salinity sampl weep loudly weep over ...
and he who loves weed and he would preserve and headed out and helec of whom is and hell pass the car and henceforth you kn and her courage and h and her platinum jewe and her smile and hezekiah was glad and high hardware con and him your fear and and his outstanding s and his re...
Aves on Legal Weed Danbury Mayor Joe Cavo and his administration put a one year moratorium on retail cannabis sales in the city. When Roberto Alves joined us on the Ethan and Lou Show onOctober 21, we asked Alves about that decision, he replied: ...
NY Congressman Hakeem Jeffries Caught Criminally Laundering Money Into His Campaigns. US Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina caught Smurfing, i.e. criminally laundering monies into his campaigns: $8,171,663.00. Video – Elon Musk can check if fed employees haven’t even opened their email: ...
greenweed greenweed Greenwell formula Greenwell State Park Greenwhich village Greenwhich village Greenwhich village Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich Academy of Music and Drama Greenwich Air Services, Inc. Greenwich and Docklands Festivals Greenwich and Docklands International Festival Greenwich apparent no...
[S]he believed Sanders could repair economic inequality, curb corporate greed and weed out special interests in Washington. I have to admit, I never really believed Bernie could do all that. I mean, Bernie is a great guy, but he’s not Dick Bong–Ace of Aces (and by the way, if you...
“In a matter of one week, Wawarsing joins my home town of Esopus in becoming the second municipality in Ulster County to opt out of weed shops and pot lounges for recreational marijuana. Kudos to Fr. Kenneth Riello, pastor of St. Mary-St. Andrew Church and his parishioners for ...
işdŕjn uproot, weed; (of gods) damn, destroy [IS ‘out of’ + DERGEN ‘pull’] işirn spirit (seat of will and passion, heart; or, the entire soul) [ITIRAN] işkuzn tempt [ISKUSAN] işpre behind, after, in back of [IS ‘out of’ + PRED ‘in front of’] iş...