vote makes Ohio the 24th state in the U.S. to legalize adult-use marijuana and furthers a trend of more conservative states establishing legal markets. With Ohio, 53 percent of the U.S. population now live in a jurisdiction where anyone at least 21 years old can legally possess weed. ...
“I would purposely go around handing out THC drinks at different events, and everybody just thought it was the most wild thing in the entire world,” he recalls. “People were like, ‘How is this legal? What are you doing?’” Now? “If you do that today, everyone’s just kinda l...
MPLT Marching Pride of Lawrence Township (Indianapolis, IN) MPLT Middle Park Land Trust (Granby, CO) MPLT Marianas Public Land Trust (est. 1978) MPLT Memory Production Logging Tool MPLT Middle Peninsula Land Trust (Mathews, VA) MPLT Mouse-Primed Lymphocyte Typing (aka Murine Primed Lymphocyt...