Will recreational marijuana soon be legal nationwide? California, the most populous state in the U.S., just voted for recreational pot. Now, more than 20% of the country can light up legally under state laws. Cristina Alesci explains what this vote means for the future of the weed industry...
IC Inequitable Conduct (legal) IC Internal Calibration IC Internment Camp IC Interim Change IC Inside Corner (measuring in construction) IC Intermediate Course IC Inspection Certificate IC Imum Coeli IC Interior Communications IC Innovative Creative (Industrial Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University...
MPLT Marching Pride of Lawrence Township (Indianapolis, IN) MPLT Middle Park Land Trust (Granby, CO) MPLT Marianas Public Land Trust (est. 1978) MPLT Memory Production Logging Tool MPLT Middle Peninsula Land Trust (Mathews, VA) MPLT Mouse-Primed Lymphocyte Typing (aka Murine Primed Lymphocyt...
Once upon a time, the solution to this sort of thing was what sometimes is called a “weed-out” course, a pons asinorum that served to direct failing students to the world. (Having been directed to the world on a couple of occasions myself, I see myself both as something of a caut...
does not consider additional data on intensive properties as well as environmental fate and toxicity that are available for pesticides. Since REACH does not have jurisdiction over pesticides, such as CPY, classification of chemicals in commerce under this legal instrument is not further discussed, exce...