later changed toWhiskey Weed and Women.They took exception to how he used the logo, to which Jelly Roll basically said, have you ever been in a late-night Waffle House?
Reddit Pinterest Email Countries Where Recreational Cannabis is Legal This was originally posted on ourVoronoi app. Download the app for free oniOSorAndroidand discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources. In 2024, Germany became the third European Union country to legaliz...
The rumor on theCelebWives of NashvilleReddit thread is that Jelly and his wife have an open marriage, and that’s just not true. During an interview on the247HH podcastin 2019 he talked about a night in Lansing where Bunnie brought three women on a bus for them to play with. The vid...
Governments should not have power to ban anything except maybe abortions… and Woke schoolbooks… and Muslim immigrants… and porn… and weed… and the IRS… and vaccine mandates… well… any of the things we don’t like, but they shouldn’t be allowed to ban anything we like!” 2) Env...
Scorpionweed — Photo-Artistry by kenne “The world isn’t just the way it is. It is how we understand it, no? And in understanding something, we bring something to it, no? Doesn’t that make life a story?” ―fromLife of PibyYann Martel ...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) More Like this: Loading... Elijah December 29, 2019Quick Thoughts Why the hell is that guy calling me? Getting a phone call is so formal I only reserve it for job interviews and drug deal...
I’ve personally never experienced any cannabis derivatives, but it took me less than five minutes to find accounts selling weed using nothing but generic words in the app’s search field. Here are screenshots of what a seller’s account looks like, and a potential sale conversation I initiate...
Anyone can model the energy supplies of a finite world as a bucket of sand and a scooper. If the scooper is used to remove the sand from the bucket, it will eventually become empty. If we start with a larger bucket of sand, perhaps the process can be delayed. Or...
000 to settle. They had a case, legally speaking — here is the cover of his free mixtape calledWhiskey Weed and Waffle House, later changed toWhiskey Weed and Women.They took exception to how he used the logo, to which Jelly Roll basically said, have you ever been in a late-night ...
shane weed September 7, 2012 at 9:55 pm I hear every word your saying i am 40 yr old male husband and father of 3 boys i injured my hand and wrist at work and wan not until six months later i had my first surgery. since i have had another and been to every specialist in my ...