编译将出错,会提示“Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression” 这种require语法是正确的,但webpack不能处理require中的表达式,只能识别字符串,如: var mx = require('mxgraph'); 这是因为,webpack要判断require引用的文件,并读取和合并文件内容。由于webpack无法执行js代码,所以,当requi...
在使用webpack进行项目打包时,有时会遇到编译错误,错误提示为“Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression”。这一问题源自于webpack内部的bug,即它无法处理require中的表达式,只能识别字符串。通常,require语法是正确的,但在特定情况下,如果require引用的文件名被定义为一个...
使用target: 'node' 意为加载核心模块时,不打包📦 node_modules 里面的模块。 但实际上光靠target指定为node是不够的,还需要借助一项外部配置 webpack-node-externals, 它可以帮助我们在打包时忽略 node_modules ~ 如何使用: 1. 安装(-S/-D都可,看个人情况) npm i webpack-node-externals // or yarn ad...
先安装nodejs,用里面的包控制工具npm,然后用npm安装webpack,通过这个命令将webpack安装到全局,webpack这命令就可以用了。 Use webpack in a project It’s the best to have webpack also as dependency in your project. Through this you can choose a local webpack version and will not be forced to u...
编译将出错,会提示“Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression” 这种require语法是正确的,但webpack不能处理require中的表达式,只能识别字符串,如: 代码语言:javascript 复制 varmx=require('mxgraph'); 这是因为,webpack要判断require引用的文件,并读取和合并文件内容。由于webpack无法执行...
Create a sub project with a peer dependency of prettier@^3.0.0 Create a main project Add "@storybook/addon-styling@latest" as dev dependency to the main project Add "prettier@^3.0.0" as dev dependency to the main project Add the created sub project to the main project ...
webpack-dev-server is not included as a dev dependency in package.json. As this can be easily solved bynpm i --save-dev webpack-dev-server, I was wondering if it has not been included for any reason? As it has been stated in the readme of the project as a feature of adobe-cep...
Coding of the Less Dependency on node_modules @import '~@ali/pos-style-mixin/style/lst.less'; //~ Supported only in the webpack less-loader, not in the native Less plug-in // Uniformly migrate to the following mode. @import '@ali/pos-style-mixin/style/lst.less'; ...
Webpack in React is a module bundler that transforms and bundles JavaScript, CSS, and other assets for efficient deployment and execution in web applications.
webpack打包npm run dev 出现错误This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。