I. Fill in the blanks with be verb, preposition or adverb. 用 be动词、介词或副词填空。There is a nice dining hall in our school. It is next 6.our classroom. When you go in, you can sce a big menu(菜单) 7.the wall. There 8. a clock and some pictures on the wall too. In fr...
I. Fill in the blanks with be verb, preposition or adverb. 用 be 动 、介或 空.There is a nice dining hall in our school. It is next 6.our classroom. When you go in, you can see a big menu(菜单) 7.the wall. There 8. a clock and some pictures on the wall too. In front ...
A.explainanintendedpurpose B.restricttheantecedent"interview" C.indicateasequentialaction D.definetheantecedent"interview" 31、Inwhichofthefollowingsentencesdoesthepreposition"beneath"carryametaphoricalsense?___ A.AnX-raytechniquehasunveiledahiddenportraitbeneaththepainting. B.Aholeappearedbeneathrailwaytracksata...
20. In which of the following sentences does the preposition “beneath” carry a metaphorical sense? A. An X-ray technique has unveiled a hidden portraitbeneaththe painting. B. As the content is banal, it is easy to dismiss it asbeneathserious consideration. C. A hole appearedbeneathrailway ...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
I. Fill in the blanks with be verb, preposition or adverb.用 be动 、介或 填空There is a nice dining hall in our school. It is next 6.our classroom. When you go in, you can see a big menu(菜单) 7.the wall. There 8. a clock and some pictures on the wall too. In front 9....
I. Fill in the blanks with be verb, preposition or adverb. 用 be 动词、介词或副词填空。There is a nice dining hall in our school. It is next 6.our classroom. When you go in. you can see a big menu(菜单) .the wall. There 8. a clock and sothe pictures on the wall too. In ...
a prepositionto form a prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrases are phrases that can be used to modifynouns,verbs,adjectives, andadverbs. For example, the sentenceCandice went to the bankuses the prepositional phraseto the bankto tell us where Candice’s destination was by modifying the verb...
Parts of speech are specific roles and functions of a word in the English language. Noun, verb,adjective,adverb,pronoun,preposition, conjunction, andinterjectionare the eight parts of speech. Types of nouns 1. Proper noun These are nouns that specifically name a person, place, or thing.Proper...
A. treeC. crashB. typewriterD. bang3. The function ofthe sentence “ Waterbo 2、ils at 100 degrees Centigrade. i”sA. interrogativeC. informativeB. directiveD. performative4. In Chinese when someone breaks a bowl or a plate the host or the people present are likely to say “碎碎(岁岁...