Eurovision Show Is Douze Points; Eurobeat: Almost Eurovision Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff ***
Speaking of Boston, did you know that Beantown has been ranked as the funniest city in America for 2023? That's right Boston trumps all other cities when it comes to the funny department. Shiny Smiles Veneers conducted the study and based on their criteria found that Boston is the funniest...
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The new Eurovision logo has triggered a deep design debate Latest in Logos & Icons Adobe forces video game emulator to immediately change its logo Everyone's still talking about that outrageous Pepsi logo design document New 2025 World Games logo features an adorable hidden optical illusion ...
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The logo has also been re-energised with the addition of an animated version in recent years, but the main mark has remained the same. You may like The year in logos: 2024 was both pivotal and controversial The new Eurovision logo has triggered a deep design debate It looks like ...
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I’ll be honest with you – I thought it was just a publicity stunt when Matthew McConaughey started throwing hints out there that he may be considering making a run for governor of Texas. It looks like I may have been wrong.
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