the original bloody m the original in malay the original of laura the original organ or the origins of politi the orkbabies the orkneys the ostrich waddles the ostrich and the o the other evening the other guys the other named bill the others have their the others never help the otis fam...
the orkbabies the orkneys the ostrich waddles the ostrich and the o the other evening the other guys the other named bill the others have their the others never help the otis family comes the otit man the otters nest the ousted regime the outbreak and poss the outcast the outline of mil...
I am good, but no matter how good people can avoid shortcomings. I was careless and careless. Especially in math, Im going to treat 5 plus 3 as 5 times 3, which is going to cost me a lot of points. Try as I might, my mind waddles and I relapse, which annoys me. I have a ...
Her presence was odd and this was not the kind of place where odd was something a person could particularly be. She would come and go within three years on a block and in a neighborhood where people tended to settle in. Our own house had been inherited from my mother’s parents, my g...
“helicopter”). He also has been giving kisses, which melts my heart (there’s always something new each month that melts my heart). A new animal he likes to imitate is the penguin (he says “wah wah wah” and sort of waddles — really, he’s imitating what I do when referencing...