But while Voyager 1 is in interstellar space, there's a caveat that comes with its exit from the solar system, NASA officials added. "Informally, of course, "solar system" typically means the planetary neighborhood around our sun," they explained in a statement. "Because of this ambiguity,...
Confirmed: Voyager 1 Is Finally In Interstellar SpaceMike Wall
If this were the case, Voyager 1 remains inside the heliopause and based on the Voyager 1 observations we can determine the polarity of the interstellar magnetic field for the first time.Schwadron, N A; McComas, D Jdoi:10.1088/2041-8205/778/2/L33N. A. Schwadron...
Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 and its twin spacecraft Voyager 2 are NASA’s longest-operating mission. They are theonly probes to ever explore interstellar space, or the vast area between stars. The spacecraft were initially launched to study Jupiter and Saturn, and they were...
结果1 题目 Interstellar(星际的)space,theareainbetweenstars,isabout18billion(十亿)kilometersfromEarth.Bynow,twospaceshipsfromEarthhavereachedthemysteriousarea.Scientistsandengineersthinkhumansmightbesenttotheareasomeday.Thesedays,twoAmericanlanguageexpertsareconsideringonepossibleproblemwithsuchtravel.Thepossibility...
根据第一段"It is possible that interstellar (星际的) space explorers could face problems communicating with all the arrivals,their spoken language having changed in isolation (与世隔绝) along the way." (星际空间探索者可能会面临与所有抵达者沟通的问题,他们的口语在旅途的孤立中发生了变化。)可知,...
It's at the heliopause where the solar wind stops and gives way to interstellar space, approximately 11 billion miles (18 billion km) from the sun. Have we traveled to interstellar space? Voyager 1, launched in September 1977, is currently exploring the farthest edges of the solar system...
根据第一段The intrepid Voyager 1 and 2 space-crafts were launched in 1977, and despite having a roughly 12—year mission lifespan,(选项B同义替换) are still hurtling through space and returning data to eager scientists on Earth(选项A同义替换). They’ve broken through barrier...and are now ...
It is shown that space travel, even in the most distant future, will remain confined to our own planetary system, and a similar conclusion will hold forth for any other civilization, no matter how advanced it might be, unless those extra-terrestrial species have life spans order of magnitude...
NASA has confirmed that Voyager 2 has joined its twin to become only the second spacecraft to enter interstellar space – where the sun's flow of material and magnetic field no longer affect its surroundings. The slightly faster Voyager 1 entered interst