Is Hoodoo the same as Voodoo? Hoodoo is NOT Voodoo (Vodou). Hoodoo is southern folk magic from the United States devoid of any religious ties. It is a magical technology - plain and simple - developed by the Black descendants of African slaves brought to this country. As was already menti...
Many Espiritistas simply collect different practices and rituals from other religions, creating an agglomerate practice including tenets from Vodou, Roman Catholicism, Santeria, and other belief systems. The ability to communicate with the spirits in Espiritismo is known as psychic ability, grace, or...
Vodou as an explanatory framework for illness has been considered an impediment to biomedical psychiatric treatment in rural Haiti by some scholars and Hai
106). Voodoo, with its multiple spellings (vaudou, voudou, vodou, voodou, etc), reflects its fundamental, and indeed orthographical, uncanniness; it is both extremely foreign, and the variation in its spelling reflects this linguistic uneasiness, and fundamentally Caribbean, so familiar to the...