Anthony says they reiterate that FTUC is keen to participate in genuine consultations on any issue regarding workers in Fiji but definitely will not be part of any circus that Government puts on. He also says Bala may also wish to appraise himself o...
It’ll give “genuine off-road capability”, apparently. Elsewhere, the concept gets a steer-by-wire system, and Toyota has dispensed with the traditional steering wheel, fitting in its place a steering ‘yoke’. Make of that what you will. The instrument panel that sits atop this yoke is...
In response, the government stated that the eKYC process ensures the “right targeting and the inclusion of genuine beneficiaries.” The government added that the process of eKYC does not marginalize anyone; instead, it excludes ineligible beneficiaries. Who is responsible? The government further ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
“The Price Is Right” has genuine enthusiasm for new cars that doesn’t bury itself in caliper sizes or model-year post-ups or the smoky burnouts that make most car television look like hormonal teenagers given too much budget and too much leeway. ...