There's been plenty of scientific debate about whether vaping is safer than tobacco, and whether it may help some people stop smoking.
The only downside here why one could consider vaping worse than smoking is that the overall availability and discretion have made it easier for teenagers to get hold of it. While cannabis is extremely beneficial regarding a myriad of issues such as cancer, depression, anxiety, opioid addiction,...
Did you know? Vaping comes with several health risks that you should consider before you decide whether or not it’s right for you.
Vapes have been marketed as an alternative to traditional cigarettes, and a healthier one at that, because they contain fewer toxic chemicals – but they’re arguably just as addictive. Inhalation toxicologist Ilona Jaspers is on a mission to inform us about how smoking and vaping aren’t the...
If you are trying to quit smoking, vaping may be a healthier option in the short-term, but the long-term effects are simply unknown. Instead, consider othersmoking-cessation aids, such asNAC, to help you kick your habit. Also check out the smoking cessation ideashere. ...
Health Impacts of Vaping Marijuana There are many ways to use marijuana. Someone may eat, smoke or vape weed to get high. Often people think that vaping is healthier than smoking because there isn’t any smoke. This isn’t true [3]. In fact, vaping is shown to have a more intense im...
From a public health perspective, Ong suggested it is better to be cautious in rolling vaping products out and regulating their use rather than dialing back on them once consumers have all the data. "In the past, when we just assumed certain smoking products were safer, there were negative ...
Teens are more likely to usee-cigarettesthan cigarettes. If you are a parent of a high-school student, it might be necessary to broach the subject of vaping and its probable harmful effects. Early prevention can pave the way for a healthier life into adulthood. ...
Most people opt for vaping because there are claims that it is safer and healthier than smoking.For more information you can refer to this guide to know more aboutvaping vs smoking. A vaporizer heats the substance below the burning point (combustion), so it generates vapor, not smoke. This...
The science is clear: vaping is much healthier than smoking. Vapes contain a fraction of the toxins of traditional cigarettes and are around 200 times less likely to cause cancer as a result. Burning a ...