Play / pause 0:00 0:00 volume Yia Vang Says Hmong Food Is His Family’s Legacy For years, chef Yia Vang operated his restaurant Union Hmong Kitchen in a trailer outside of a brewery in Minneapolis. Last year, he finally opened his first brick-and-mortar restaurant, and it already ...
Also presenting at the event were Goldhmong Vang,Katie Malnight Meisinger Corryn Manderfield, and the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin. The audience was filled with , , leaders, other Service Providers, and even parents of sons and daughters looking for companies that “get it” and can ...
Jury finds Hmong immigrant guilty; Chai Soua Vang is found guilty of killing 6 deer hunters and wounding 2 othersASSOCIATED PRESS
THE ARREST OF GEN. VANG PAO; Many Hmong don't back general: `This is our home now'; A generation gap tends to shape the community's reaction to Gen. Vang Pao's arrest. Middle-age Hmong don't hunger to return to Laos like their parents did, and the younger generation has a very ...
Vang, Susie
Attorneys want Vang trial moved; Hmong man is accused of killing 6 deer huntersASSOCIATED PRESS
Vang Pao hospitalized after having chest pains; The Hmong leader held in jail for planning a coup in Laos is reported to be stable, but weak.(NEWS)Smith, Mary Lynn
Hatch is suing Hmong foundation; Attorney general wants to close the Vang Pao Foundation, which he says has ignored Minnesota charities laws.(NEWS)McEnroe, PaulKennedy, Tony
Hmong general to visit St. Paul today; Is he a hero or a relic? Debate about Gen. Vang Pao is intensifying.(NEWS)Xiong, ChaoMcKinney, Matt