these reports turn out to be false flags. For example; someone from NYC reported seeing a strange, square-like object in the sky on July 22. They provided a photo to NUFORC, who then ruled the person saw an "advertising banner behind a private aircraft...
these reports turn out to be false flags. For example; someone from NYC reported seeing a strange, square-like object in the sky on July 22. They provided a photo to NUFORC, who then ruled the person saw an "advertising banner behind a private aircraft...
Kozhikode District Medical Officer Dr.V.Jayasree has said that the fever death of Mujeeb,a native of Meppayur in Medical College Hospital is not that of Nipah. The lab result confirmed it was H1 N1 fever. Mujeeb’s wife, undergoing treatment for fever is also tested positive for H1N1,...
Addressing the mammoth gathering organized by different spiritual groups , he said he was of the opinion that saffron flag was flying high in many states, including Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Chhattisgarh, Haryana and Gujarat due to their influence. Even the Bharatiya Janata Party was able to become ...
Nomad Editing Finds a Home with Facilis in NYC CASE STUDY Nomad Editing Finds a Home with Facilis in NYC Founded in 1996,... read more At Steinhafels Furniture, all the Store’s a Stage with Facilis At Steinhafels Furniture, all the Store's a Stage with Facilis TerraBlock By Ira...
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Defends Trump Against “Fascist” Label When asked if he considered Trump a fascist, Adams responded, “I know what Adolf Hitler has done, and I know what a fascist regime looks like. I don’t think it’s fitting to equate the former president with Hitler.” Adams ...
The longest tunnel on earth is hiding beneath our feet right here in the Hudson Valley (NYC Water via YouTube) The Longest Tunnels in the World There are several tunnel records across the world. The longest road tunnel, for example, is Laerdal Tunnel in Norway (below). "Road tunnel" mean...
the local group the locomotor system the london nyc the lonely liar the long parliament the long-term field e the longer the longest distant w the look of love-dian the lopsided moon cas the lord bless thee o the lord bless thee o the lord has set his the lord of the ring the lord...
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in nyc over this procedure which, has been in place since 1966. this system may be modified or completely abolished given that it has been blamed with exacerbating foreclosure rates especially in poor and minority neighborhoods. suffolk and nassau counties nassau and suffolk counties ...