· Eye damage: UVC is very harmful to the eyes and can cause photokeratitis, also known as "electric ophthalmia", resulting in pain, tearing, redness and other symptoms. Prolonged or intense exposure may cause more serious damage. · Ozone generation: Certain wavelengths of UVC light (typi...
Is Plastic Recycling Harmful to Humans? As fossil fuel firms struggle to deal with the backlash against the industry, which is only gaining in intensity, many are betting on plastic production as the only means of future-proofing their companies. If these plans go ahead in t...
Of the three, only the ultraviolet is harmful to most humans. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is further divided into three categories: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA radiation penetrates the skin without burning the surface layers. These rays can penetrate to a depth of 0.04 inches (1.0 mm) and cause...
It is already used as a cleaning agent in hospitals and to ___92___ air and water but only when people aren't around. That's because there are three types of UV light: UVA, UVB and UVC.and they are all...
(44) showed that meat consumption reduced the risk of lung cancer, such consumption is commonly regarded as a risk for cancer for the following reasons. The heterocyclic amines produced during the cooking of meat are carcinogens. Charcoal cooking and/or smoke curing of meat produces harmful ...
inorganic mercury compoundsare found in disinfectants, batteries and chemistry laboratories and can have harmful effects when swallowed. Elemental mercury, which is used in thermometers, fluorescent lamps, dental amalgams and electrical switches, is not harmful when touching the skin or ingested, but ...
Why is it Harmful or Dangerous? During the summer, blue green algae is often in the news, and outbreaks regularly appear in warning signs surrounding water bodies. Dog owners are often specifically singled out in these warnings, and told to take extra care with their pet...
Korolova noted the downside of being tracked. "The locations that a person visits and lives in reveal a great deal about them," she writes. "Their surreptitious collection and use in ad targeting can pave way to ads that are harmful, target people when they are vulnerable, or enable haras...
Water pollution and contamination can be harmful for both humans and our environment. For more information about how wastewater and contaminated water can impact our health and the health of the environment, take a look at our e-learning video –‘The utility of municipal wastewater analysis for...
In the example of fishing, we know what works when it comes to restoring biodiversity: establishing science-based management regimes, ending harmful subsidies, effective harvest control rules and clamping down on illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. So how does the circular economy com...