Note: If the component has a useState, useReducer, or useContext Hook, the state or context will still trigger a rerender. To regulate the memo’s typical behavior, which shallowly compares complex objects in the props object, we have to create a custom comparison function and pass it as th...
useReducer(stateReducer, initialState); return ( <ApplicationDispatch.Provider value={dispatch}> <ApplicationContext.Provider value={state}> {children} </ApplicationContext.Provider> </ApplicationDispatch.Provider> ) } function useDispatchable(stateName) { const context = React.useContext(Application...
Hadar has a system that just works. He knows what he can get out of each player who all have a specific role in the any one specific game. If it’s fouling, rebounding, scoring or whatever is called for, Hadar’s players, who are by far better a...
From my experiments with suspense, I can see that if a component throws a promise during render, all hooks of that component (initial values of useRef/useState/useReducer, cached values of useMemo/useCallback) are discarded. I didn't test what happens to components that suspend after their fi...
I guess Context is more like hidden props than abstracted state. Think of it this way. We could have written the exact sameuseState/useReducercode, but prop-drilled the data and the update function down through the component tree. The actual behavior of the app would have been the same over...
He had a stretch of more games this year than last year where he put together good games. I think he can build on that and I think he understands that he’s a better player when his mind is there and where he wants to be. I thought this year was a really...
useState useReducer useEffect / useLayoutEffect useRef Option 1: DOM element ref Option 2: Mutable value ref See also useImperativeHandle Custom Hooks More Hooks + TypeScript reading: Example React Hooks + TypeScript Libraries: Class Components Typing getDerivedStateFromProps You May Not Need defau...
Note: If the component has a useState, useReducer, or useContext Hook, the state or context will still trigger a rerender. To regulate the memo’s typical behavior, which shallowly compares complex objects in the props object, we have to create a custom comparison function and pass it as th...