Raw Milk Versus Pasteurized—Which Is Safer?featuredfood freedom
I feel this is misleading: “Milk is one of the only foods for which “organic” is sometimes not a good answer.” The main point you are trying to make is that if it is Ultra Pasteurized or UHT Pasteurized…watch out. There are advantages, I feel, to organic milk, if simply avoidin...
Comparing raw milk with pasteurized milk is akin to comparing table sugar with honey. Both have a similar macronutrient profile but differ vastly in their micronutrient composition. Source:https://draxe.com/nutrition/raw-milk-benefits/. An important aspect of discussing the pros and cons of consum...
Diet soda might seem like a safer option during pregnancy, but if you drink one every day, it may carry risks. One large study of more than 60,000 pregnant women found that those who drank at least oneartificially sweetenedsoda a day were 38% more likely todeliver preterm(before 37 weeks...
Before there was homogenized and pasteurized milk, people would boil their milk, to kill any bacteria. Of course since the milk was not homogenized, some of the cream would collect on the top of the milk, while cooling. The cream would be then collected with a spoon, and eaten either lik...
While different raw and processed foods, such as inadequately pasteurized milk and ready-to-eat (RTE) products containing meat, eggs, and fish, have been identified as major sources of L. monocytogenes contamination [20], other food products have also been linked with the pathogen due to cross...
And the most surprising link is that not only do we barely absorb the calcium in cow’s milk (especially if pasteurized), but to make matters worse, it actually increases calcium loss from the bones. What an irony this is! Here’s how it happens. Like all animal protein, milk acidif...
Before there was homogenized and pasteurized milk, people would boil their milk, to kill any bacteria. Of course since the milk was not homogenized, some of the cream would collect on the top of the milk, while cooling. The cream would be then collected with a spoon, and eaten either lik...
I also believe that I am affected by it. Both my son and I can drink milk made with chocolate syrup but have a terrible time with pre-made chocolate milk. What's the difference? Carageenan. I put it down as an allergy for him and people look at me funny. Heck, I'm allergic to...