Tyler, The Creator is an American rapper, record producer, music video director and founder of the alternative hip hop collective Odd Future. He is known for his controversial lyrics, rebellious persona and unique production style. Tyler has been praised for his dark humor but also critiqued for...
Tyler, The Creator Luis “Panch” Perez Tyler, the Creator has landed his first chart-topping LP on the U.K. Albums Chart with Chromakopia. Related Released on Monday (Oct. 28) – away from the standard Friday release date – the rap superstar’s eighth studio album still...
Tyler has brought many outstanding achievements and successes to Odd Future. A special rapper and has an extra special height. If you look at it with the naked eye, can you predict how tall Tyler, The Creator is?
Tyler, the Creator's 'Chromakopia' showcases that he's still one of music’s biggest mavericks — and offers his most vulnerable, personal music yet.
Tyler, the Creator's creative process is a fascinating amalgamation of instinct, ingenuity, and meticulous planning. He's not just a rapper or a producer; he's a visionary who oversees every facet of his projects. Insider accounts of Tyler's studio sessions reveal an atmosphere that is ...
【魔法棒】NEW MAGIC WAND - Tyler, The Creator|Marshall Middleton (Z62)|音响试听 03:15 【魔法棒】Magic Wand - The Chemical Brothers|Marshall Middleton (Z62)|音响试听 02:28 Only One (feat. Paul McCartney) - Kanye West|Marshall Middleton (Z62)|音响试听 04:43 【炫富】Rich Flex - Dr...
"Hey young world, the world is yours" "The World Is Yours"收录于 Nas 1994年发布的首张专辑《Illmatic》中,今年刚好30周年。每次听到这首歌的时候,自己仿佛置身于布鲁克林,每一个节拍都是一片蔚蓝的天空,每一句歌词都是一道璀璨的星光,而那悠扬的旋律则是我前进的引导。 歌曲中的"the world is yours"...
The rapper luxuriates in a large mansion in the latest visualfrom IGOR Tyler, the Creatorhas shared a new video for “A BOY IS A GUN*”, aSolange-featuring track taken from his latest albumIGOR. In the video, Tyler dons the blonde wig of his IGOR alter ego and spends so...
The US rapper’s luxury label is hitting London just in timefor Christmas In photos: An homage to Tyler, the Creator’srenegade style23 Just in time for the festive season,Tyler, the Creatoris finally bringing his Golf le Fleur label to London, launching at Selfridge...
Vice Media’s television channel Viceland has announced that they are currently developing a new show with Tyler, the Creator, based off of a show from Tyler’s Golf Media app (via the Hollywood Reporter). Recently, Tyler changed his infamous @fucktyler Twitter handle to @tylerthecreator, ...