Windows defender is blocking an update to my tax software.: Using TurboTax 2023, update from 2/15/24 keeps failing with a 1603 warning-loosely translated "not our software, its your computer". Computer is Win OS 10, 8yrs old not compatible with OS 11, not an option. Went to TT help...
Can you please double-check that you copied the file to this exact location with this exact name: C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727CONFIGBrowsersmozilla.browser If so, then can you please re-run the TurboTax utility and post an updated set ...
20+ years I have used QuickBooks and TurboTax since version 1...$350.00 a year? Really?TurboTax that is patched together like a Ford Model T?Intuit will never get another cent from me. Greedy bastards. 3 Reply susank Level 2 April 05, 2022 01:08 PM There are some suggestio...
Head to the TurboTax website -- you don't need to pay until you file, and you'll save a few bucks over the price of buy software on Amazon. Some can even file for free. (For simple tax returns only, not all tax payers qualify.) TurboTax Free Edit...
✅ how to fix windows\system32\profapi.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it...:the error message, windows\system32\profapi.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error, keeps popping up every time i power...
TurboTax for iOS is a simplified app, and I don’t believe is suitable for multiple filings (I have never used it as I use TurboTax for OS X). 2. Some yes. But again, many things offered are not the equivalent of their OS X or Windows counterparts. 3. External hardware storage ...
QuickBooks Online integrates with other Intuit software. These include TurboTax (for preparation of personal income tax returns) and ProConnect (tax software for accounting professionals).It also integrates with many other software packages and apps.² These include ones that manage charitable donations... 将于北京时间 2013年 7 月 29 日(周一)凌晨 1:00 - 6:00 系统维护。 Butuh biro perjalanan wisata di malang batu? Kami menyediakan paket wisata malang dengan pelayanan yang profesional untuk mengakomodir liburan anda selama di malang batu. Kami menawarkan paket wisata malang de...
If TurboTax reports a problem with the .NET Framework 3.5, it suggests that you try to uninstall and re-install the .NET Framework 3.5. However, the exact steps needed to do this depend on what version of Windows you are running, and this ...
If TurboTax reports a problem with the .NET Framework 3.5, it suggests that you try to uninstall and re-install the .NET Framework 3.5. However, the exact steps needed to do this depend on what version of Windows you are running, and this h...