Tupperware containers are microwave safe if marked as such. Look for an icon with squiggly lines on the bottom of the container.
Store leftover food in a tupperware that is glass, BPA-free plastic, or something of the like. This is better than keeping it in the original pot you cooked it in, as this will reduce exposure to metals. Use bamboo or silicon materials instead of metal to cook with, as this will prev...
No oven, no dishwasher and no washing machine for the better part of a week. AND….I was in a chili cook off at the church. Lost by 6 votes and then we come home and Mr. Right is saying how good the winners chili was. I was like “Did you vote for that chili?” Deer. In....
Every item is microwave, dishwasher, and oven-safe and will help to keep your food fresher for longer. They also come in an array of great colors. Much like how your tupperware might not be looking its best anymore, what about your plastic orwooden cutting boards? Well, this trio are ma...
Borosilicate is our top pick for tupperware or for reheating leftovers in the oven or microwave. When it comes to stemware, however, we get a bit more precious—and once you try your first sip of perfectly chilled sav blanc out of one of our proprietary-shapedWhite Wine Glasses, we think...
So that left us with 2 rooms full of Donate and Give Away. In addition to what was now about 40 boxes of everything from “Tupperware and Lids” to “Craft Supplies – Spring” (not to be confused with “Craft Supplies – Fall”). After 7 pick up truck loads and 4 trailer loads ...
(CH4), which is a gas that is a lighter than air. Longer chains with 5 or more carbons are liquids. Very long chains are solids like wax or tar. By chemically cross-linking hydrocarbon chains you can get everything from synthetic rubber to nylon to the plastic in tupperware. Hydrocarbon...