Byline: PDSA vet Elaine Pendlebury is here to offer advice on all aspects of your pet's health, happiness and welfareCoventry Evening Telegraph (England)
If your cat is obsessive over their treats, you may have some added aggression to deal with. It’s not uncommon for cats who are used to getting their treats on-demand to become prone to scratching or biting when their demand for treats is denied. After all, any kind of addiction is c...
Generally, using a flea comb is a simple process. Depending on the pet’s demeanor and the owner’s experience, however, it might take some practice. Once the owner fills a bowl with water and liquid dish detergent to kill the trapped fleas, he can begin combing his pet. He should begi...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Hi, we have a female 3 year old cavalier king charles spaniel. she is 5 weeks pregnant and woke up this morning as if she was drunk. her back legs were crossing...
He experiences the least amount of this non-hairball spit-up when he eats pure meat (ie. tuna, chicken), however this is costly. My question is, is there something more serious going on that should be seen by a vet, or is it an ongoing food sensitivity that I may be able to ...
Ok, well that makes sense and I can totally empathize with your position. So I guess that it is a matter of me working with the steriods and then experimenting with some of the other remedies you mentioned and see what else works and/or allows me to give him less steriods. But am I...
We have had this puppy for about 2 weeks. The puppies were about 5 weeks when the mother stopped caring for them. We fed them big dog dry dog food moistened and before we got them they were being fed tuna! We got rid of 4 of the puppies. The one we have is the runt(we think)...