The causes of tinnitus are diverse. One common cause is inner ear cell damage. Inside our ears, tiny, delicate hairs move in relation to the pressure of sound waves. This movement triggers ear cells to release an electrical signal through the auditory nerve to your brain, which interprets t...
Experts from Yale University have discovered an alarming syndrome linked to the mRNA Covid vaccines dubbed ‘post-vaccination syndrome’ in which patients suffer brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance, in addition to showing distinct biological changes, including differences in immune cel...
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For those who are bothered by their tinnitus, he explained, it’s due to the limbic system, or your emotional center of the brain, triggering a “fight or flight” response. Unfortunately, becoming frightened or stressed by it makes the tinnitus louder, creating a challenging circle of events...
Sports-related concussions (SRCs) are a major health issue in athletes of varying ages, ability levels, and sports. Concerns over the short- and long-term consequences of SRCs have incentivized a wealth of products and policies aimed at reducing SRC risk. Research suggesting the effectiveness of...
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Tinnitus is not a disease, but rather a symptom of some other underlying health condition such as: Ear infection Neurological problem or damage Heart disease Thyroid issue Pregnancy Pressure in the sinus Traumatic brain injury Meniere’s disease The condition can occur anywhere from the outer ear,...
He said, “ A good candidate for this device is somebody who's had tinnitus for at least three months," but he warned that people should be evaluated first to make sure there's not a potential medical issue that is causing the ringing. Some patients also benefit by using a combination ...
So how does the intelligence community explain the array of symptoms in victims that includes headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, confusion,depression,insomnia, tinnitus, balance problems, head pressure, and ear pain—and this is just a partial list? Severa...
We note that AOAA has already been administered in trials relating to Huntington’s disease [33] and tinnitus, and that toxic side effects and dosage are issues to be addressed. Similarly, GNE-140, the LDHA/LDHB inhibitor, was also a very good candidate for Group 3 MB cells. Significant ...