According toThoughtCo, archaeologists excavating burial sites from 4000 BC have discovered clay pots repaired with glue made from tree sap. This proves that even in early times, people used adhesives to repair broken objects. We know that the ancient Greeks developed adhesives to use in carpentry ...
Although a representative democracy has supposedly even-handed judges and justices, their decisions often do not reflect good judgement or actual justice for the common man or woman. True, not all judges are corrupt, but a defendant generally needs a lot of money to win a case—proof that the...
An East-meets-West Christmas dinner can also be had during Christmas in China. Eight treasures duck (八宝鸭,bā bǎo yā) is the Chinese version of a stuffed turkey. It is a whole duck stuffed with diced chicken, smoked ham, peeled shrimp, fresh chestnuts, bamboo shoots, dried scallops ...
"There are three good reasons to avoid logical fallacies in your writing. First, logical fallacies are wrong and, simply put, dishonest if you use them knowingly. Second, they take away from the strength of your argument. Finally, the use of logical fallacies can make your readers feel that...
Well, once the bowling shoe is on the other foot, look who’s the good cop and look who’s the bad cop. The examples above are from ThoughtCo. You canread the complete list in this article. What are extended metaphors? It is one where the object or action is mentioned later or repea...
According to ThoughtCo., South Dakota is one of the wealthiest states when it comes to 'fossil records'.
According to, chewing gum was originally made from the sap of the sapodilla tree, which is native to Central America. This sap was called chicle at the time and it was mixed with other natural gum bases like sorva, jelutong, and eventually beeswax or paraffin wax. Even then...
Look at the sourcing in The Holocaust in Poland [article] in January 2018 […] museum websites, Basic Books, Stackpole Books, Jewish Virtual Library,, American Jewish Committee,,,,,, and so on.... “The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) is an organization that archives and manages scientific data issued from polar and glacier ice research. Despite its name, the NSIDC is not a...
Image Source: If readers find the information on your page useful, they are bound to stay longer on your page, click on internal links and even cite them. These actions increase your SEO ranking and encourage customers to keep returning. Accuracy, truthfulness, and usefulness are...