Sean_Dream 日推歌曲 | 法语香颂《Printemps noir》“浪漫致命 会枯死春天。” 欢快清新向~ 好想喝一口奶昔啊 Sean_Dream “前奏好适合当微信来电铃声”||《Throwaway》 橙子青提 前奏秒杀的英文歌《The Way I Still Love You》 英乐分享君 “ 日落尤其温柔,人间皆是浪漫”《Empty Love》 ...
dumb dumb 动画 同人·手书 mr.tomatos 柠檬小姐 meme 番茄先生 评论334 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 oxtordgames Hi there, OXTORD Games is here!Thank you so much for this awesome animation! it's so so so great! I love it!!!-With love, Eugene Oxtord 2023-02-24 19...
They might be the most meme’d musical act of all-time – right up there with Rick Astley and Nickleback. They have been heard millions of times on both TikTok and 90s alternative radio. They provide the soundtrack to the “Shrek is Life, Shrek is Love” movement. Now they’re coming...
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√6Have you seen this meme (表情包) online before? The man in the meme is Michael Rosen, a famous British children’s book writer who has written about 140 books. He’s known as “nice granddad” in China. Michael Rosen was born in Middlesex, the UK in 1946. His parents were both...
54 Book Lover Memes Only People Who Love Books More Than People Understand December 11, 2022 Only book lovers will get this post Memes 24 Elmo Fire Meme Pictures That Will Make The World Burn December 10, 2022 Everybody’s got a favorite childhood show, and for many of us, that show wa...
-what are you think of love? -this is the best thing in the world. -no,maybe you was wrong. -what are you said,kid? -i say you was wrong,bill,you can't do not admit. -well well well,then kid,you just tell me what's love. -just me and you. -emm...m? -you know what...
We’ll admit that the ‘Don’t you lecture me with your $30 dollar haircut’ meme had passed us by (it’s a Dragonball thing, apparently), but with the launch of a slightly bonkers online image/sample sequencer, we felt compelled to investigate. Developed by Twitter user Colon, said web...
(文学作品) in schools.He visits schools to encourage children with his love for books and poems.He is one of the first poets to make visits to schools around the UK and the world.He is also one of the first poets to write about his own childhood experiences and to write them in the...
C“Nice爷爷”背后的故事Have you seen this meme(表情包) online before? The man in the meme is Michael Rosen, a famous British children's book writer who has written about 140 books. He's known as "nice granddad" in China.Michael Rosen was born in Middlesex, the UK in 1946. His pare...