A puddle without syntax, where oiled lexemes sprawl over each other, each point frictionless and interchangeable; adjectively gone nounish, verbs to interjectioned, and conjunction to preposition of but when after in… There is not an English people. There are fetishes: an umbrella, a roundel,...
Thequalityorconditionof beingthick. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Thesmallestof threedimensions. from Free Scrabble Dictionary Thequalityorstateof being. from Free Scrabble Dictionary Top Words by points ...
Semen is a word starting with s ending with n. Check our list ofwords starting with s ending with n. Dictionary definition of the word semen The meaning of semen semen 1 definition of the word semen. Noun The thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital ...
13 definitions of the word thick. Adverb With a thick consistency In quick succession Adjective Not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions ...
1. When "hair" is an uncountable noun, it should be referred to with "is." The word "hair" can act as both a countable and uncountable noun, with slight shifts in meaning. As an uncountable noun, "hair" refers to the total mass of hair on a person's head, being a ...
The meaning of TEMPORALIS is a large muscle in the temporal fossa that serves to raise the lower jaw and is composed of fibers that arise from the surface of the temporal fossa and converge to an aponeurosis which contracts into a thick flat tendon inser
3. Shebuttered four thick slices of bread. This sentence means "She spread butter on four thick slices of bread."4. Bread knives should have a serrated edge. This indicates that "Bread knives are designed with a toothed or saw-like edge."5. There's bread on the table. Help...
noun Agarmentsizefor alargeorheavyfigure. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Astrong, verydarkbeerorale. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Athicksetorcorpulentperson. ...
The meaning of TEMPORALIS is a large muscle in the temporal fossa that serves to raise the lower jaw and is composed of fibers that arise from the surface of the temporal fossa and converge to an aponeurosis which contracts into a thick flat tendon inser
liu m l liu man shek tong liu mang tian liu mei flower thick liu ming or meimei liu po shan memorial liu shaoyong liu shui luo hua liu suan an liu wenhui and liu xiao hui liu xing le tan liu xing xing nao ji liu xing yuan liu xue ao liu yi liu yifu liu zhen yun jing pin ...