Equation of a Circle: Given an equation of a circle in polar coordinates, we can convert it into the cartesian coordinates by using the transformation x=rcosθ, y=rsinθ. The equation of a circle with center (a, b) and radius r is g...
The total length of the round path is known as the circumference or periphery of the circle. Arc of the cirlce An arc of the circle is the length of some section on the periphery of the circle and given by the formula- Formula- $$\begin{align} L &= \...
Radius of the circle x^2+y^2+2x costheta+2y s intheta-8=0 is 1 2. 3 3. 2sqrt(3) 4. sqrt(10) 5. 2
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the month circle flow the monument to the p the moon a phantom ro the moon hanging high the moon light voice the moon send my miss the moon was yellow the moonlight treasur the moral point of vi the more death the more i seek you the more of your hear the more we dothe mor the...
circle at only one point while a chord is a line segment whose endpoints are on the circle. When a tangent and chord intersect, that point of intersection is on the circle and the chord and tangent forms an angle. This tangent-chord angle is equal to half the measure of its i...
What is the square root of pi squared? Answer and Explanation: ±π. The square root (√) of a numberais numberbso thatb2=a; in other words, a numberbwhose square (the result of multiplying... Learn more about this topic: Negative Square Root | Definition & Examples ...
(c) Find an expression for the time interval required for the blue bead to slide from point B to point C in terms of g,L, and θ. (d) Show that the two time intervals found in parts (b) and (c) are equal. Hint: What is the angle between the chords of the circle AB...
This repositary is a combination of different resources lying scattered all over the internet. The reason for making such an repositary is to combine all the valuable resources in a sequential manner, so that it helps every beginners who are in a search
(b) LTD at MF-CA3 synapses is significantly impaired in the presence of tiplaxtinin (150 µM; an inhibitor of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) in comparison to DMSO treated control (filled circle: DMSO (n = 8/N = 6); filled gray circle:Tiplaxtinin (n = 8/N =...