You can try to get your VAT refund through the mail but the process takes much longer and can be unreliable. Most people submit their requests at the airport on their way home. You'll have to present your documents to a customs agent, whose stamp is required as "proof of export." The...
There’s no quicker way to Loen unfortunately. The most direct route is over the glacier so by car it’s the long way round! It’s a beautiful drive though and Loen is definitely worth the time. One of our favourite places in Norway. Have fun and do let us know how you get on!
Hypoxia was selected as our measure of disease severity due to the frequency of its occurrence and since it was based on an objective measure (i.e., oxygen saturation). There were seven subjects with Covid-19 for whom there was minimal documentation of clinical course following Covid-19 ...
Perhaps out of wisdom, Confucius was silent on some subjects. This caused his followers to make many efforts to clarify and defend the ‘unstated assumptions’ in his thought system. One of these is related to human nature. Since the time of Mencius, hum
WHFS; thereforCpeopwtCeneDtViian,lvaoesfsrwteiicgtohamtoebtdhineatrhtigioesnmiasinsnudivesirpiurnseeadsd,eiipnstcnhoenowsniaddreeriasesediantsofeebcdteifnargudniatenswguecsrroionupgss e[a1mn4e,1Nr5g]Gi.nISgt iavspitrhpuesrr,oewafocirthhe.caruhcigiahl 2. Matetlrioimaelivtsacalruonapdtelo...
As only three live Chromodoris specimens were available, all of them were injected with LatA and there was no additional control Chromodoris group. Since all Chromodoris specimens survived the first experiment with the same amount of LatA applied as in the E. viridis specimens, the experiment was...
There was actually a taboo on Hawthorne, which is why even though it is close to blackthorn in many ways you barely never see it mentioned. Hawthorne is very much associated with the fairies, and cutting some of those trees is very badluck. It was also considered that Jesus’s crown of...
Open your good eye. That was my father’s code for telling us there was something we had missed. Some piece of the puzzle we had failed to see. Something we had been in too much of a hurry to take in. Even when we were on the verge of giving up and quitting, of moving on to...
There’s apparently a boom in American urbanites buying farmsteads to escape Covid-19 –Modern Farmer We’re stuck in a lockdown ‘work from home’ purgatory –Wired Kindle book bargains The Hidden Life of Treesby Peter Wohlleben –£0.99 on Kindle ...
(Fig.3C). Moreover, while there is high CpG density, on average, across the length of TEs, methylation levels were consistently low on all TE classes compared to genes (Fig.3D, Additional file15: Fig. S9A-B). Interestingly, there was a relatively higher level of methylation in satellite...