Scott Gottlieb, the head of the FDA, acknowledges that "there's a component in there of kids who are using e-cigarettes in lieu of combustible tobacco and otherwise would have used the combustible tobacco." But he adds that "from our standpoint, that's a hard justification for us to use...
E-cigarettes can also be used as a way to get out of cigarette smoking for those who cannot quit. Vapes may not be limited to advertising, but cigarettes are highly regulated. Even though these advertisements are put into place and friend groups can influence a person, one should be able ...
While there is much we still don’t know about the potential risks of vapes, one thing is increasingly clear: “Vaping is dramatically better than cigarettes,” saysLynn Kozlowskiat the University at Buffalo in New York. Advertisement Hyping the harms of e-cigarettes or banning the ...
There wasn’t a single case like this in 10 years,” he said. “You got to ask why you’re suddenly seeing this pop-up of massive illness and eight deaths in a two month period?” So what’s going on? Abrams, who doesn’t smoke tobacco but occasionally...
根据第二段中“By banning favored vapes the government may be "closing the sheddoor after the horse has gotten out."(禁止香味电子烟,政府就像“马出来后关上棚门”)”可知作者认为这个禁令没有意义。再结合第三段中“Nobody yapes "because the flavor is so amazing," said David Marcus inThe ...
Because age gates are so easy to circumvent, they don’t comply with regulations like theStop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement Act, which requires sellers to verify customer-provided data like date of birth, name and address against database records of people above 21 for every sale. ...
While smoking tobacco cigarettes has fallen among teens and young adults, the use of e-cigarettes and vapes has risen. A handful of states — California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island — have bans on most flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and vapes. An...
Yet, there is a dearth of objective research globally on children's real-time experiences, with current research relying on self-reports or observations made in experimental conditions. This paper reports on the nature and extent of children's online world. METHODS. Kids Online Aotearoa is a ...
In addition, it was not hard to find a student who vapes. Jennifer asks Bright Opong, also a junior at Overland, if it is the cool thing to do now. "Yeah, yeah. I have one but I don't bring it to school," says Opong. ...
Middlekauff finds the marketing of vapes to young people especially concerning. "E-cigarettes are marketed to youth using dessert flavors and young, hip models in the ads," she said. "Many of the same advertisement strategies that were used for tobacco cigarettes are now used for e-cigarettes...