1.little in size, degree, importanceetc; not large or great.She was accompanied by a small boy of about six;There's only a small amount of sugar left;She cut the meat up small for the baby.pequeño 2.not doing something on a large scale.He's a small businessman.pequeño ...
The virus is found by taking a sample of fluid from a draining lesion. There is also a blood test that can find viral DNA. Treatment with the smallpox vaccine before symptoms start may prevent or shorten the infection. Antiviral drugs may help and the symptoms can be treated with pain and...
What diseases do they cause, and how common are they? What types of diseases could most likely lead to outbreaks? Explain. Define reemerging infectious diseases. What is tuberculosis? How is the disease transmitted? Is there treatment for tuberculosis?
Monkeypox is usually mild, with most people recovering without treatment within 14 to 21 days. Initial symptoms can include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, and exhaustion.(猴痘是一种由天花的亲属病毒引起的疾病。顾名思义,它最初是在猴子身上被发现的,主要局限于西非和中非。猴痘通常是轻微的...
Suppose a high incidence of leprosy existed in a particular part of the world. Why is it conceivable that there might be a correspondingly low level of tuberculosis? What are the organs affected in tuberculosis? How will treatment for the second tuberculosis infection likely differ from the first...
The C.D.C.saysthere is “no proven, safe treatment” for monkeypox but the Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of smallpox vaccines and antiviral treatments to control outbreaks. 疾控中心表示,猴痘“没有经过证实的安全治疗方法”,但美国食品和药物管理局已经批准使用天花疫苗和抗病毒治...
There’s no “proven, safe” treatment for monkeypox virus, the CDC says online. However, the agency says, the smallpox vaccine and antivirals like cidofovir can be used to both prevent and treat infections. Can you die from monkeypox? Monkeypox can be serious and could kill as many as...
Quick convenient access to information is very important, but learning to look at information in new ways is even more important. A major breakthrough in medicine may reveal that view. Scientists want to find a wonder drug for treatment of smallpox, but without success. ...
Ebola is an acute viral disease with extremely high death rates, killing between 50 percent and 90 percent of patients. Symptoms mainly include fever, sore throat, muscle pain and headaches. What's worse is that there ...
Is smallpox an epidemic or pandemic? Is there a vaccine for measles? Is there a vaccine for norovirus? Is bronchitis an infectious disease? Is there a vaccine for SARS? Is rubella a communicable disease? Is walking pneumonia a viral infection?