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Texas Real-Estate Magnate Phillips Is Acquitted.Reports that a New York federal jury has acquitted Gene E. Phillips, a Texas real-estate magnate from charges of racketeering, conspiracy and securities fraud.EBSCO_bspWall Street Journal Eastern Edition...
Schedule your exam so that you have enough time to study, but there’s still an opportunity to take the exam again if needed. Pearson VUE, the Texas real estate exam administrator, notes that it typically takes 5-7 days of processing before the exam can be scheduled again. ...
Ross Quade, who is a licensed real estate agent in Texas, writes his own rental agreements using a template. He also suggests that first-time landlords may be more comfortable using a property management service, which may include a basic month-to-month rental agreement. Tania Ba...
While DSCR loans can be a helpful financing option for many real estate investors, there are certain scenarios in which using a DSCR loan may not be ideal. Here are some cases where a DSCR loan may not be the best choice: When purchasing a primary residence:DSCR loans are designed for in...
Central Texas real estate listing. View homes for sale in San Marcos, Johnson City, Marble Falls, Killeen, Waco, and Temple TX.
Former corporate transplant to the Southlake, TX area that turned her real estate interests into helping other find the home of their dreams.
AtTEXAS INVESTOR FINANCING, we strongly believe in the tremendous value real estate investors bring to the marketplace. As residential redevelopment specialists, real estate investors create jobs, beautify neighborhoods, increase tax revenue, and turn neglected, vacant blight into livable homes. For this...
some 20 states still mandate the use of one, rather than amortgage, whenfinancingis involved in the purchase of real estate. Trust deeds are common in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Vi...
The party responsible for paying the transfer tax is often the seller, in the case ofreal estate transfers, but not always; in some states, the responsibility is split equally, and in others, there is no real estate transfer tax at all. For inheritances, the tax is paid by the recipient...